1. Data Protection

In compliance with the Organic Law on Data Protection, we inform the users of this website that personal data provided through e-mail can be part of a file of personal data, with the aim of the management and promotion, in this case, of the services you have requested, and the answer to your query. Personal data may be processed for sending commercial information, including e-mail. You can oppose the sending of such messages and access, modify and / or cancel your personal data by sending a request to the following address:

  • CIF: ESB98747397
  • CoC: B98747397
  • Plaza Legión Española, 1

You can also send an email to the following address: info@fvflats.com

In the petition forward the following information:

Name and photocopy of identity card

Right you want to apply for and content of your request

Provide an address for notifications

You give your express consent to proceed to the processing of personal data as described in the preceding paragraphs.

2. Acceptance of Terms

FV Flats reserves the right to update any of its terms and conditions at any time that may be required or be in the line of business of the company. Users have the responsibility to take appropriate measures to ensure that they visit all the terms and conditions regularly. By agreeing to use this site means that any change is accepted by any third party and this third party is required to comply with this changes. FV Flats reserves the right to change rates and prices, photographs and descriptions on its website at any time.

Important Note

Always remember that the apartments offered by FV Flats do not respond to the characteristics of a hotel but a residence surrounded by neighbours. The peace and quiet must be maintained and respected at all times. We strive to ensure a relaxed and comfortable stay.

Think about other guests want to enjoy the apartment as much as you, make use of the accommodation with care and, upon departure, leave it as you found at check-in.

3. Use Terms and Conditions

– Leave the place as you found it. Do not rearrange the furniture. If an extra cleaning service it’s needed at your departure, 30€ may be removed from the credit card provided as guaranty.

– Switch it off the lights and the air conditioning when you go out. Irresponsible use may be removed from the credit card provided as guaranty.

– Elevator rules about number of persons must be respected.

– It is absolutely prohibited to make noise or hold parties.  Silence must be maintained between the hours of 22:00 and 10:00.

– Take your rubbish with you when you depart, removing the rubbish from the flat is not included in final cleaning. 20€ may be removed from the credit card provided as guaranty.

– Wash up your dishes, as this is not included in final cleaning. 20€ may be removed from the credit card provided as guaranty.

– If anything breaks or something doesn’t works as it should at your departure, an amount included in the inventory may be removed from the credit card provided as guaranty.

– Take good care of your keys as a charge of 30€ will be applied to replace them if lost.

– Do not leave the door keys inserted in the door lock when you go out. Be very careful with this or you will have to pay an extra service to open the door.

– It is forbidden to leave bikes, strollers or anything at all in the communal reception hall.  Items left may be removed. It is also forbidden to bring bicycles into the apartment.

– Make sure that the main door to the street is properly closed when you leave or enter the building.

– If you have any doubt, if something doesn’t work as it should, or if you are unsure about how something works, please call +34 626 721 652 from 9am to 8pm.

4. Payment and cancellation policy

Please, read carefuly the terms and conditions depending on the rate:

STANDARD RATE: 30% advanced payment required to confirm the reservation. Free cancellation up to 1 week before the check in date, after the deadline a 100% cancellation fee will be applied.

FLEXIBLE RATE: No advanced payment required to confirm the reservation. Free cancellation up to 48h before check in date, after the deadline a 100% cancellation fee will be applied.

NON REFUNDABLE RATE: 100% advanced payment required to confirm the reservation. It is not possible to cancel for free, 100% cancelation fee will be applied.

WEEKLY DISCOUNT RATE: 20% advanced payment required to confirm the reservation. Free cancellation up to 14 days before the check in date, after the deadline a 100% cancellation fee will be applied.

MONTHLY DISCOUNT RATE: 10% advanced payment required to confirm the reservation. Free cancellation up to 14 days before the check in date, after the deadline a 50% cancellation fee will be applied.

1 NIGHT RATE: 30% advanced payment required to confirm the reservation. Free cancellation up to 48h before the check in date, after the deadline a 100% cancellation fee will be applied.

(All bookings should be paid totally upon deadline date to keep the reservation)


RoomRaccoon respects the privacy of its website visitors, in particular their rights regarding the automatic processing of personal data. We have therefore formulated and implemented a policy on complete transparency with our customers regarding the processing of personal data, its purpose(s) and the possibilities to exercise your legal rights in the best possible way.

If you require any additional information about the protection of personal data, please visit the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens): https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl.

Until you accept the use of cookies and other tracking devices, we will not place any non-anonymised analytical cookies and / or tracking cookies on your computer, mobile phone or tablet.

With the continued visit of this website you accept these terms of use and you accept the use of cookies and other tracking systems, unless we have provided for another method of accepting cookies on our website.  

The current available version of this privacy policy is the only version that applies while visiting our website until a new version replaces the current version.

Article 1 – Definitions

  • Website (hereinafter: “Website”) RoomRaccoon. Booking engine used for Apartamentos FV Flats – Valencia, legal company name FERVEY RENTALS S.L..
  • Party responsible for processing personal data (hereinafter: “the controller”): RoomRaccoon, established at Keizerstraat 15, 4811 HL Breda, The Netherlands, Chamber of Commerce number: 67848540   . 

Article 2 – Responsibilities

  • The controller is not liable for any failure, disturbances, difficulties or interruptions in the functioning of the website, causing the (temporary) inaccessibility of the website or of any of its functionalities. You, yourself, are responsible for the way you seek connection to our website. You need to take all appropriate steps to protect your equipment and data against hazards such as virus attacks on the Internet. Furthermore, you are responsible for which websites you visit and what information you seek.
  • The controller is not liable for any legal proceedings taken against you:
  1. because of the use of the website or services accessible via the Internet
  2. for violating the terms of this privacy policy
  • The controller is not liable for any damages that incur to you or third parties or your equipment, as a result of your connection to or use of the website and you will refrain from any subsequent (legal) action against the controller.
  • If the controller is involved in a dispute because of your (ab)use of this website, he is entitled to (re)claim all subsequent damages from you.

Article 3 – Collection of data

  1. Your personal data will be collected by RoomRaccoon and (an) external processor(s) . 
  2. Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’). 
  3. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.
  4. The personal data that are collected on the website are used mainly by the controller in order to maintain a (commercial) relationship with you and if applicable in order to process your orders. They are recorded in an (electronic) register. 

Article 4 – Your rights regarding information

  1. Pursuant to Article 13 paragraph 2 sub b GDPR each data subject has the right to information on and access to, and rectification, erasure and restriction of processing of his personal data, as well as the right to object to the processing and the right to data portability. 
  2. You can exercise these rights by contacting us at info@roomraccoon.com.
  3. Each request must be accompanied by a copy of a valid ID, on which you put your signature and state the address where we can contact you. 
  4. Within one month of the submitted request, you will receive an answer from us. 
  5. Depending on the complexity and the number of the requests this period may be extended to two months.

Article 5 – Data retention

The collected data are used and retained for the duration determined by law. 

Article 6 – Applicable Law

These conditions are governed by Dutch law. The court in the district where the controller has its place of business has the sole jurisdiction if any dispute regarding these conditions may arise, save when a legal exception applies.

This privacy statement applies since Monday 11th of October, 2021, until further notice.